The Other Side of the Empowered Consumer Sword

by Holland-Mark | January 5, 2010

Here’s what ignoring your customers on the Web does for your brand.

Good luck fixing this with anything other than meaningful, operational changes.

Maximize The Benefit

Minimize the bullshit.

By Ken Peters, January 2010

Let’s be frank. For consumers, your brand’s value is proportional to the amount of aggravation it adds to or eliminates from their lives. Maximize the benefit and minimize the bullshit or be swept into the dustbin of irrelevance. Today’s consumers are too smart and too busy to waste time with bullshit brands.

Case in point: my recent holiday shopping exploits with two prominent retailers. Never before have I encountered so much – pardon the bluntness – brand bullshit. Read on and you’ll see what I mean. Don’t worry, though, this post isn’t about whining.

You may have to indulge me in a little venting, but you’ll benefit from a critical review of how poorly designed brand experiences can cost sales and send customers running to your competition. Whether you’re selling consumer products at retail or offering B2B services – or anything in between – you can learn from the mistakes of these brands.

Our story begins with my quest for Christmas gifts. First on my list, a Nook, Barnes & Noble’s sleek new entry into the eBook reader category….

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