Timbuk2’s Transparency Marketing

by Holland-Mark | October 20, 2009

This is very interesting…

Recently got a new laptop bag from Timbuk2, so I could look more like a bike messenger despite being 43, chubby, and driving a BMW. I digress.

Anyhoo… I upgraded to the better shoulder strap, which is comfy, but slides off my shoulder. Crap.

I get an e-mail from Timbuk2 asking how I like the bag, with a link to a feedback site. I enter the feedback, and despite it being negative they offer to post it – automatically – on my blog. So I did:

Originally submitted at Timbuk2

Rugged ballistic nylon; compatible with all bags.


Useless. Slides off shoulder.

1out of 5

By @miketrap from Boston, MA on 10/20/2009

Pros: Easy To Use, Compact, Durable

Cons: Does Not Work, Pointless

Describe Yourself: High-end Shopper

Love the bag, but hate that it slides so easily off my shoulder despite upgrading to the better shoulder pad. Very disappointing.

Is that why Timbuk2 is now de rigueur among the digerati? Would you have the cojones to do the same for your product?

Here’s what I know: I am now a believer in Timbuk2 (the bag is great even if the shoulder pad sucks). If they were Zappos, they’d find this post, and send me a better one.

That’s what it will take to win with consumers in the future, folks. And by “future” I mean five years from now for middle-aged white guys like me. I mean Thursday for anyone who’s used facebook since they were, like, totally a freshman.

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