Mike gets Mobile (again) at Media Innovation Day

by Holland-Mark | September 13, 2010

Media has done a lot of things lately — gone digital, gone viral, and gone mobile — all in a big way. To explore the latest emerging trends, our friends over at The Ad Club have put together Media Innovation Day, to be held this Thursday, 9/16/10. Mike will be there to moderate a panel on mobile marketing strategies.

If you didn’t know, before he was our content hub advocate, Mike was part of the venture-funded mobile content pioneer m-Qube. He’ll be applying this experience, as well as our current mobile perspective, to the “Beyond Mobile Barriers” panel.

The panel will explore mobile as a critical part of media planning strategies and discuss features such as rich media, applications, geo-location, and hyperlocal that allow brands and establishments to interact with mobile users in new and useful ways. Mike’s panel includes mobile leaders Dan Olschwang of Jumptap, Andrew Paradise at AisleBuyer, and Ben Smith of Dunkin’ Brands. Whether you Check In or are checked out, it should be interesting to see how mobile is changing the media landscape.

While you are at it, check out the rest of Media Innovation Day, learn about some of the most important up-and-coming trends in marketing and media, and recognize the people who take innovative media planning to a new level. Check out the schedule and register here.

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